
We build your dream

    Toll Free: 1-800-987-6543

    About us

    Dear Customers,

    The headquarter of Athena Imports & Exports LLC. is in Califonia. However, the company holds offices in Africa to support initiatives in emerging markets. Our principal activity is to provide first-in-class export services in the Agriculture, Cars and Auto Parts, and Cosmetics industries. We thrive on providing innovative products and solutions to emerging markets and working towards the globalization of companies in the developed world.

    We pursue projects with the highest quality, in-demand products that are supported by efficient management and distribution networks. In the past several years, we have established a wide network of reputable agriculture, Auto Parts, and cosmetics suppliers across North America, Europe, and Africa.

    We identify what emerging markets buyers value, and then search for sources in the developed world willing to export these products and resources.